Saturday 29 April 2017

Why I held back tears at Trump's inauguration - Michelle Obama

American former First Lady Michelle Obama has revealed the reason behind her now-infamous “side-eye” during Donald Trump’s inauguration: She was holding back tears.

“I didn’t want to have tears in my eyes because people would swear I was crying because of the new president,” Ms Obama told an audience at the American Institute of Architects convention in Orlando.

In her first speech since Mr Trump took office, Ms Obama said she had grown emotional at the thought of leaving her White House staff. But she also made it clear she had no intentions of returning to Pennsylvania Avenue.

"I wouldn't ask my children to do this again because, when you run for higher office, it's not just you, it's your whole family," she said, rebuffing rumours of a possible White House run. "Plus, there's so much more we can do outside of the office, because we won't have the burden of political baggage."

“So far, so good,” she said of her new, private life. “It hasn’t been that long, really. It’s been less than 100 days. I think everybody’s counting 100 days. We’re counting, too

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