Friday 26 May 2017

Paris Jackson mistaken for a vagrant on set

So far, 2017 is shaping up to be Paris Jackson's year, but not everyone seems to know her face just yet.
On May 25, she was even mistaken for a vagrant!
She wrote about the strange encounter on Twitter shortly after it occurred.

"One of the first people on set, sitting in the parking lot and this dude comes up to me and says homeless people aren't allowed in this area," she said.

The 19-year-old shared a photo of her outfit, which is seemingly what caused the man to assume she's homeless. The photo showed her in oversized baggy pants and a blue crop top. She also donned a backpack. Paris, appeared to be barefoot and was sitting on concrete, leaning up against a wall.

 "I said oh sorry I'm waiting for hair and makeup should I wait elsewhere also why do you assume i'm homeless," she tweeted.
She also didn't share what the man's reaction was to her question. Additionally, Michael Jackson's daughter didn't indicate if she was on set for a movie, TV show or magazine spread.

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